Friday, December 5, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Website!

Heres a link to my website...

MoViE pOsTeR.

"Blink" is actually a book I read last year, and the concept seemed fun to make a poster out of. I mainly just used two images, the eye and a clock, and erased some things and lowered the opacity of the clock layered over the eye layer. The eye image I had to set to grey scale without selecting the iris and then increased the blue saturation on the iris part. I was kind of lazy with the text, but I like simplicity.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"My Collage"

So...yea...this is my collage. I kind of just rolled with it and ended up with an anti-tv/brain-washing theme. Did lots of copying and pasting, layering, erasing, opacity, ect. ect....and viola!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Picturing the "Other"

This is of a guy named "Bushwalla", his real name is Greg but demanded i called him Bushwalla instead. I wasnt sure if he was ACTUALLY reading this, or just pretending to...but i thought it made for a good shot either way.
When it comes to actual pictures of people, I really don't like to change things too much using photoshop when I'm trying to capture them in their own element...

This was taken on the public bus in Medford, these kids are from Hawaii and were VERY scared to be riding it... if you can't tell

This was at a Halloween Party this past weekend, the guys name is Logan and was very shy at first but allowed me to take this picture as long as the "uhane" sign was in the background. I didn't really alter the photo much, just changed the levels a bit but that's about it.

This was actually taken in San Francisco earlier last week while visiting some friends. It was "No Car Day" at Golden Gate park and i was blown away by this kid and his moves. It wasn't until AFTER I took this picture when i asked him if it was ok, his response... busted a few ollies in front of my camera and I :)

This picture was taken in a friends car heading to a show, i wanted to make it black and white but then that would just blow the reason why i wanted to shoot it in the first place- the bright green glasses.

Taken again in San Fransico, I turned up the saturation and contrats quite a bit, but I really didn't want to mess too much with this one :P

Monday, October 6, 2008

aLpHaBeT sOuP.



Friday, October 3, 2008

No words, just Emotions.

This is my all time favorite picture of buster keaton, the man was a genius. for those who arent familiar with him, Keaton was a silent film star who took physical comedy to a whole new level. i absolutely love his facial expression in this photo, it's been said by famous photographers and directors that he had the most well- structured face of any actor and that Keaton was a canvas of immense possibilities.